Pins, or anglers jewelry, are a little less conspicuous then patches but still tell the story of the angler that is adorned with them.  Pins can often be found accumulating on an angler's hat as well as their fishing vest or sporting blazer.  Below is a nice sampling of pins from different fishing clubs and tournaments.

"Cabo Blanco Big Game Fishing Club"

"Catalina Light Tackle Club"

"Tuna Club" - Catalina Island - Avalon

Southern California Tuna Club

Miami Florida - "Pier 5 Charter Boat Association"

"The Bimini Bahamas Tuna Tournament"

Cat Cay Bahamas

"International Tuna Cup Match" - Nova Scotia

"The Atlantic Tuna Club"

United States Tuna Team

Bay of Islands Mako Shark Club

Shark Anglers Club of Great Britain

I.G.F.A. World Record Holder

Complete Angler Marina Merit Award - Bimini

West Palm Beach Fishing Club

Nova Scotia International Tuna Cup Match

Ft. Pierce Florida - Sailfish Award

"Southern California Tuna Club"

Honor Badge - "Field & Stream" - Award Pin

Marlin Trophy Pin Won By Mrs. John A. Manning

Bimini - All Billfish Tournament - Franlie Brown Memorial